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OpenStack Icehouse : How to use Swift Storage
This section shows how to use Swift Storage from Clients.
This example shows to configure like the environment below.
     +------------------+           |           +-----------------+
     | [ Control Node ] |  ||  [ Proxy Node ] |
     |     Keystone     |-----------+-----------|                 |
     +------------------+           |           +-----------------+            +-----------------+
                                    |                       |   [ ClientPC ]  |
        +---------------------------+--------------------------+---------------|                 |
        |                           |                          |               +-----------------+
        |                  |                 | 
+-------+----------+       +--------+---------+       +--------+---------+
| [Storage Node#1] |       | [Storage Node#2] |       | [Storage Node#3] |
|                  |-------|                  |-------|                  |
+------------------+       +------------------+       +------------------+

[1] Add a user for using Swift on Keystone Control Node. By the way, if you'd like to use Swift Quickly, it's unnecessarry to add a new user, it's posibble to use with existing admin or swift user on Keystone.
# add swiftservice tenant

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
keystone tenant-create --name swiftservice --description "Swift Users Tenant" --enabled true

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |        Swift Users Tenant        |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | e6e814b2cbc143f7991ed0613438611d |
|     name    |           swiftservice           |

# add swiftoperator role

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
keystone role-create --name swiftoperator

| Property |              Value               |
|    id    | 2c3b49e3cd8546bc977695997ee58a5b |
|   name   |          swiftoperator           |

# add a user

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
keystone user-create --tenant swiftservice --name user01 --pass userpassword --enabled true

| Property |              Value               |
|  email   |                                  |
| enabled  |               True               |
|    id    | a68557e54abc4a92b915efb4ee164f65 |
|   name   |              user01              |
| tenantId | e6e814b2cbc143f7991ed0613438611d |
| username |              user01              |

# add the user in swiftoperator role

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
keystone user-role-add --user user01 --tenant swiftservice --role swiftoperator

[2] Work on a Client from here and later.
Install Keystoneclient, Swiftclient on a Client first.
apt-get -y install python-keystoneclient python-swiftclient
[3] Load environment variables first. ( it's just the value for a user added in [1] )
vi ~/keystonerc_swift
export OS_USERNAME=user01
export OS_PASSWORD=userpassword
export OS_TENANT_NAME=swiftservice
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export PS1='\u@\h \W(swift)\$ '
chmod 600 ~/keystonerc_swift

source ~/keystonerc_swift

root@client ~(swift)#
echo "source ~/keystonerc_swift " >> ~/.bash_profile
# show status

root@client ~(swift)#
swift stat

       Account: AUTH_e6e814b2cbc143f7991ed0613438611d
    Containers: 0
       Objects: 0
         Bytes: 0
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
   X-Timestamp: 1402501124.33015
    X-Trans-Id: txd0ad784505d04456be71e-0053987804
X-Put-Timestamp: 1402501124.33015
[4] Create a Container for saving files.
root@client ~(swift)#
swift post test_container

root@client ~(swift)#
swift list

# just created

[5] Upload a file on local to the Container.
# upload test.txt

root@client ~(swift)#
swift upload test_container test.txt

root@client ~(swift)#
swift list test_container

# just uploaded

[6] Download a file from Swift Storage to local.
# remove a file

root@client ~(swift)#
rm test.txt
root@client ~(swift)#
swift download test_container test.txt

test.txt [auth 0.187s, headers 0.243s, total 0.244s, 0.000 MB/s]
root@client ~(swift)#
total 8
-rw------- 1 root root 173 Jun 12 00:25 keystonerc_swift
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  14 Jun 12 00:41 test.txt
[7] Delere a file on Swift Storage.
root@client ~(swift)#
swift delete test_container test.txt

root@client ~(swift)#
swift list test_container

# test.txt is just deleted

[8] Delete a Container on Swift Storage.
root@client ~(swift)#
swift delete test_container

root@client ~(swift)#
swift list

# just deleted
